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Tverrfaglig masterprosjekt 2024: Oslofjorden 2.0 rapport 2024
(Report, 2024-12)Oslofjordens økosystemer er under sterkt press knyttet til en rekke ulike menneskelige påvirkningsfaktorer, og i 2021 ble det vedtatt en nasjonal tiltaksplan for å bedre forholdene. For andre året på rad har 14 studenter ... -
Health and mortality in two broiler hybrids differing in growth rates
(PhD Thesis;2024:38, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Over the past 60 years genetic selection for a substantial increase in growth rate and breast meat yield in broilers has led to increased occurrence of various health and welfare problems; these include high mortality, ... -
Kan ultralyd av abdominale lymfeknuter predikere cytologisk diagnose av lymfom?
(Student paper, others, 2024)I denne oppgaven har vi hatt hovedfokus på korrelasjon mellom funn ved ultralydundersøkelse av abdominale lymfeknuter og diagnosen lymfom hos hund og katt. Motivasjonen for studien var å finne noen konkrete holdepunkter ... -
Canine collagen type III glomerulopathy
(PhD thesis;2015:25, Doctoral thesis, 2015)Collagen type III glomerulopathy (Col3GP) is a rare renal disease that is characterized by massive glomerular accumulations of collagen type III. The disease occurs in humans worldwide, typically with a sporadic occurrence. ... -
Governance and livelihood revival in the reconstruction of post-war Liberia : a political economy approach
(Master thesis, 2008)The case of Liberia in the study of post-war reconstruction and development is quite pertinent. This study is an attempt to understand the link between governance and livelihood revival within the context of reconstructing ...